Covid-19 Guidelines

In case of non-compliance with the Corona Guidelines outlined in this document, accreditation will not be given, and it will lead to immediate expulsion from the competition and the hotel.

Please note that any update of the present Corona Guidelines will be communicated when needed. If the Corona situation should lead to a cancellation of the competition, it will be communicated as quickly as possible.


OC’s Corona contact person:
Emil Peter Søhus
mobile: +45 28 74 26 44

Bubble event

The competition is going to be held as a bubble event which means that the participants are not allowed to leave the hotel, except in the following situations: when going to the ice-rink, going for a run/walk to get some fresh air near the hotel. Roomates are allowed to do this with one another. It is not permitted to have contact with anyone else outside the hotel. Neither is it allowed to shop in stores, pharmacies, supermarkert etc. nor go to a cafe, restaurant etc. The shuttle bus transportation between the hotel and the ice rink will be arranged by the Organizing committee (OC). This transportation is the only valid transportation, except if you can drive in your own car. If you drive in your own car, you are not allowed to drive anywhere else than to and from the hotel and the ice rink, and you are only allowed to have passengers in the car that are already part of the competition bubble. All of this applies for the whole period, i.e. from the time when the participant is accredited until the time when the participant leaves the competition to go home.

Before the competition

Corona registration for the competition

Prior to the competition, all skaters, officials, coaches, team leaders , members of OC, etc. have registered whether they are vaccinated or not. Prior to the competition, all participants have furthermore uploaded their proof of vaccination if they are fully vaccinated with a WHO approved vaccine1. A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dose of a vaccine that requires two doses, or two weeks after a single dose vaccine.

The present Corona Guidelines

On the 14th of January the present Corona Guidelines was sent to the secretariat of the participating countries, informing the countries that – no matter whether the participants are vaccinated or not – everybody needs to take a 1) PCR test not earlier than 72 hours before the accreditation. Example: If the accreditation of a participant takes place on the 26th of January at 10.00 o’clock, the test must be taken no later than on the 23rd of January at 10.00 o’clock. All participants – whether vaccinated or not – also needs to take an 2) Antigen test (quick test) on the same date as the accreditation. If this is not possible due to the time of departure, the Antigen test can be taken the evening before. Each country is responsible for ensuring that all participants, including coaches, team officials and other representatives from their association comply with these rules.

On the 20th of January, the present Corona Guidelines will be resent with a strong reminder to comply with the PCR test and Antigen test rules outlined above.

Prior to the accreditation, all participants must upload a proof of a WHO approved PCR test in English via this link 

Check your rules for entering your country of residence

We urge you yo check your national Covid-19 regulations to see if you will need a PCR or an antigen test in order to return to your home country, and how you should act if you are tested positive during your stay in Denmark.


All participants at the competition can be accredited provided that 1) they have uploaded a negative PCR test prior to the competition as described above and 2) show the proof of a negative Antigen test at the accreditation, taken the same date as accreditation. If the Antigen test is a self-test without name, date and time on the result. The participant need to take a picture of the test result, alongside something that shows the date and time (computer, phone etc.) and some identification as proof of the negative Antigen test. We recommend all participants to take both tests in your home country. If a participant has had been infected with Corona within the last 12 weeks (i.e. in the period from the 3rd of November 2021 up to 11 days before accreditation), it is not necessary to show a negative test, and the participant can get accredited by showing a proof of infection from this period. If a participant tests positive 11 days prior to his/her entry into the bubble event, the participant cannot be accredited for the competition.

If a participant arrives in Denmark by flight and can’t get an Antigen test in time in the home country, it is possible to pay for one at Falck in the departure hall (between Terminal 2 and 3) at the participants own expense. To board the shuttle bus from the airport to the official hotel, the participant must show a negative valid Antigen test. Participants arriving at Copenhagen Airport are not allowed to use any other transportation means than the shuttle bus arranged by the OC to go from the airport to the official hotel.

If a participant tests positive after an Antigen test taken at the airport, the participant must go into isolation at the airport hotel at his/her own expense and contact the team leader right away who will immediately contact OC/Organizing Committee’s Corona contact person.

If a participant arrives in Denmark by bus, car, or public transport and can’t get an Antigen test in time in the home country, the participant can get one for free at one of CPH Medicals’ many test facilities in the area of the competition venue. You can find test facilities at the following link

If a participant gets a positive test result at a Danish test facility, the participant must contact the team leader right away who will immediately contact OC’s Corona contact person. As it will not be possible to get access to the official hotel with a positive Antigen test result, OC encourages the participant to return right away by the same bus or car that they arrive with or take care of other transportation or isolation by themselves.

Please note that before, during and after the competition participants that are younger than 18 years need an adult to go into isolation with them if they test positive for Corona. Only participants that are 18 years or older can go into isolation by themselves.

OC’s Corona contact person will contact the team leaders before the competition to help develop an action plan for the country or team in case a participant is tested positive in Denmark prior to the accreditation at the official hotel.

During the competition

Division of participants into groups

Due to the Corona bubble event, the participants at the competition will be divided into different groups to the extent possible. Officials will constitute one group. Coaches, team leaders, skaters etc. will constitute another group and will be designated to a specific section in the ice rink. They are allowed to interact with one another but are strongly recommended to pay attention to hygiene and physical distance measures (1.5 m).

Spectators are not part of the Corona bubble event. They must show a valid vaccination certificate (not older than 5 months) or a negative PCR test (not older than 72 hours) or an Antigen test (not older than 48 hours). Spectators must use their own entrance and exit and are allowed to be present only in a specific “spectator section” of the ice rink. They must during the whole competition wear a facemask, also when seated. They must not interfere with skaters, coaches and others.

If coaches or skaters want to see the competition, they must stay in their own section only and have one free seat in between every person. They are not allowed to access the spectator section.


It is mandatory at all times for all participants during the competition to wear a facemask, both at the ice rink and the hotel, except in the following situations:

  • Skaters during warm-up
  • Skaters on the ice
  • If you eat food seated at the restaurant at the official hotel or in one of the cafes at the ice rink.

If a participant is exempted from wearing a facemask, it’s mandatory to wear a badge showing this clearly in a visible way on the front of the participants clothes.


There will be hand sanitizers available at all entrances and exits in all rooms at the official hotel and at the ice rink as well as at all officials’ places in the panel.

Physical distance

A physical distance of 1.5 m to other persons must be kept at all times (except in competition and training situations). All directional arrows and distance markings on the floor must be followed at all times. Because of the required physical distance, it is not allowed to move tables or chairs.


Ventilation will take place several times during the day at the hotel.

Draw for starting order

The draw for the starting order will be made by two judges and two team leaders which will be found by lottery. The starting order will appear immediately after on and the competition app (Sportify).

Coaches at rink side

Only one coach per skater is allowed at the rink side during warm-up.

If a participant gets the message that you are ‘close contact’ to someone who has tested positive for Corona

If a participant has had the third vaccination or has been infected with Corona within the last 12 weeks, the participant does not need to go into isolation, unless it is a person the participant normally are sharing household with or during the competition. A PCR test is mandatory on the 4th and 6th day following the day the participant was in close contact with the Corona infected person.

If a participant is vaccinated but hasn’t got the third vaccination or has been infected with Corona within the last 12 weeks, the participant will need to go into isolation and call OC’s Corona contact person immediately. The person will also need a PCR test on the 4th and 6th day following the day the participant was in close contact with the Corona infected person. The person can leave the isolation after a negative result on the 4th day.

If a participant gets sick with symptoms of Corona during the competition

If a participant gets sick with symptoms of Corona during the competition, the participant needs to go into isolation right away and call your Team leader right away. The Team leader will contact OC’s Corona contact person immediately.

If a participant tests positive during the competition

If a participant tests positive, the participant is infected with Corona virus. The participant must go into isolation right away to avoid infecting others. The participant will at all times need to do the following:

  1. Immediately call your team leader who will contact OC’s Corona contact person right away. The contact person will help with what to do next. If the participant can’t go home by private transportation, the participant must go into isolation in the participants own room if staying in a single room at the official hotel. If sharing a room with others at the official hotel, the participant will get another room for the isolation. After the end of the competition, on 30th January at 16:00 o’clock, the stay at the hotel will be at the participants own expense if isolation is still needed.
  2. Pay extra attention to hygiene measures.
  3. Track down ‘close contacts’. According to Danish regulations, only the persons you live with in your everyday life, at the competition and your girl/boyfriend are your ‘close contacts’.
If a participant has been tested positive for Corona with an Antigen test, the participant will need a PCR test as a follow-up right away, preferably the very same day or the day after at the latest. The PCR test can prove whether the Antigen test gave the right result.

PCR-test at the departure from Denmark

If you need a PCR-test before departure from Denmark, you need to register at to get a test. You also need to inform it to us at DSU when you upload your negative PCR-test before the competition. We will arrange transportation to and from the test facility. If your country of residence changes the rules for testing before departure from Denmark during the competition then contact DSU’s Corona-contact person right away, and we will help you in the best possible way.

Leisure activities

There will not be access to the Hotels leisure activities.
The common areas at the hotels can be used, as long at the demands of physical distance and facemasks are complied with.

No gifts or flowers for the skaters

It is not permitted to throw any items at the ice at any time. If Skaters will be offered gifts/flowers, they shall refrain from accepting them politely. Please inform your spectators in advance not to bring any gifts/flowers.

After the competition

If you within 7 days after the competition, until the 6th of February, get a positive result from a Covid-19 PCR-test please contact DSU’s Corona-contact person, so we can inform the other participants and encourage them to get a test. All data will of course be handled anonymously and within the laws of the European Data Protection Law.